Home / Cases / Coreteka – driver tracking app

Driver tracking app for the transportation company

Project Main Goals

Project Main Goals

  • To decrease the amount of accidents among truck drivers.
  • To provide an operator and information about the real-time status of cargo.
  • To make all necessary information available for a driver with just “one touch”.




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Team members: [ 7 ]

Months: [ 4 ]

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Project Overview

This driver tracking app is fit for transportation companies. It is developed for the internal courier delivery service. The main purpose is to manage the targeted delivery of goods to customers and optimize logistics operations.

Business Analysis

Business Analysis

At this stage we discovered major problems of information flow. What are the main reasons why drivers take their eyes off the road situation?

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Identify the Problem & Solutions


  • In total, dispatch needs to call a driver and get his location due to consignee requests several times per trip.
  • As a general rule, after a driver stops driving, he has to call dispatch and check all the details about the current drop (address, contact person, etc.), and next stop.


  • Driver application for the transportation company by Coreteka transmits data to TMS in real-time.
  • Driver tracking app operates, structures, and stores all information needed for a driver in one place.

Driver App is meant for

Driver App is meant for

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To know the exact time the vehicle is to arrive and its location at all times

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To optimize routes and stay on track of new assignments.

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UX - Application Structure

UX - Application Structure

The most important part of web design is UX, since some of the operations have to be developed “on the run”. Related elements of the delivery driver tracking app are made easier to notice and click. Operations, which have less demand, get less space in the interface, or are hidden.

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Visual Design

Visual Design

Since it is not a kind of driver tracking app, which is concentrated mainly around design concepts, the Coreteka team has got a limited budget for this part. However, we did our best to keep the interface on a proper level.

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Project Features

Project Features

Since it’s not kind of app that has to have attractive design, we got a limited budget for this part. However, we did our best to hold the interface on a proper level.

Basic Functionality

Basic Functionality

Driver application for the transportation company by Coreteka automatically reports about each delivery event with all necessary information, such as status, location, process, detention, etc. It allows engaging less personnel in the dispatching process of a company.

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Development Solutions

Development Solutions & Technologies

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SRS was created according to IEEE 830 practices (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).

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UX Design

Coreteka UX specialists know how to make the product that people will want to come back to. The quality and success of the delivery driver tracking app depends on the experience that the user acquires after using it. The goal of UX design is to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty through the utility, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction with a product.

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UI Design

Unique design for driver application for the transportation company was made with the aim for its visitors to never leave. Illustrations as very popular design elements add natural feel and “human touch” to the overall UX of the driver tracking app.

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Coreteka used Java for this delivery driver tracking app - a programming language that produces software for multiple platforms. Java runs on 3 billion devices worldwide, which makes it one of the most powerful languages for web development.

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Coreteka specialists are concerned about the security of your data, that is why we always keep your information in a safe place.

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Coreteka supported the launch of that delivery driver tracking app on every stage and provided all necessary information for users.

What is a driver tracking app?
What are the most popular truck driver tracking apps on the market?
Why should transportation companies use driver tracking applications?
What is better to use: a custom driver app or a ready-made one?
How much does it cost to develop a driver tracking app?
Where can you request driver app development?

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