Future of Logistics #2: Changes in the food delivery market
CoreTeka and UNIT.city organized the event “Future of Logistics #2: Changes in the Food Delivery Market”. We invited the best speakers from leading companies in the food delivery market to share with us their experiences.

Yevhen Netreba, Commercial Director at Zakaz.ua
Food delivery insights from Ukrainian market players
Yevhen Netreba, Commercial Director at Zakaz.ua (grocery delivery company that works closely with Kyiv’s leading retailers), talked about the importance of FoodTech development, explained how grocery delivery companies are working and why we should be ready for the future new technologies and innovations in business. Today the number of orders from mobile applications is increasing: offline retailers are going online; and fashion, travel, and food segments are growing very fast. Yevhen noticed that in the future a lot of retailers will go online and gadgets will be the main tool for online shopping.
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Yaroslav Tsyganenko, CEO at Dots & Mister.Am
Yaroslav Tsyganenko, CEO & Co-Founder of Dots, CEO & Founder of Mister.Am (a food delivery service launched in 13 Ukrainian cities that provide customers with meals from the best restaurants) shared with our guests his experience of launching a food delivery service in small cities. He admitted that food delivery service should control all stages: from ordering to cooking and receiving an order. Companies should become more effective in every phase of their work and build long-term relationships between service and customers.

Rami El-Refai from Glovo
Rami El-Refai from Glovo (worldwide food delivery service) talked about the evolution of food delivery services and the growth of three-sided marketplaces (users, local shops, couriers). Now millennials are 3 times more into “order-in” than their parents, food delivery costs are becoming lower, and the online food delivery industry is expected to grow by 280% in the next 7 years. “Multicategory” users show higher engagement and, therefore, higher LTV; companies have fewer competitors in the “multicategory” delivery space.
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Alex Isachenko and Evhen Netreba
Our CEO moderated the Future of Logistics event
CoreTeka’s CEO Alex Isachenko joined a panel discussion with speakers and talked about his experience in developing innovations in logistics and retail companies, gave his advice about improving food delivery service in Ukraine, and asked his colleagues a few questions.
Also, we want to thank Anton Avrinsky, CEO and co-founder of Liki24 (medication delivery service) who was an event moderator.
Photos are made by UNIT.City